Agriculture Quiz For Competitive Exams (1)

Agriculture Quiz For Competitive Exams

Agriculture Quiz For Competitive Exams

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Agriculture Quiz For Competitive Exams Online

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Q.1: Which is the native place for maize?

  1. Africa
  2. Mexico
  3. China
  4. India

Answer: 2

Q.2: Buffalo milk is not yellowish because?

  1. It contains more fat
  2. It contains no lactose
  3. It contains no carotene
  4. It contains more calcium

Answer: 3

Q.3: Clonal selection is used in?

  1. Non-flowering species
  2. Flowering species
  3. Indigenous collection
  4. Indirect introduction

Answer: 1

Q.4: The speed of rotavotor is?

  1. 100-200 rpm
  2. 300-400 rpm
  3. 200-300 rpm
  4. 400-500 rpm

Answer: 3

Q.5: Insects are included in the phylum?

  1. Annelida
  2. Nematoda
  3. Chordata
  4. Arthopoda

Answer: 4

Q.6: A fruit which develops from an inflorescence is known as?

  1. Simple fruit 
  2. Aggregate fruit
  3. Composite fruit
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3

Q.7: Edible part of mango is?

  1. Nucellus
  2. Meso carp
  3. Endosperm
  4. Endocarp

Answer: 2

Q.8: Mycology is the study of?

  1. Algae
  2. Mycoplasma
  3. Virus
  4. Fungi

Answer: 4

Q.9: Illuviation refers to?

  1. Accumulation of clay and sesquioxide in lower horizons
  2. Accumulation of clay and sesquioxide in upper horizons
  3. Removal of clay and sesquioxide from lower horizons
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1

Q.10: Soil pH is a measure of?

  1. Active acidity
  2. Reserve acidity
  3. Exchange Acidity
  4. None of these

Answer: 1

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  1. Vishakha nigam

  2. Getting more information

  3. Vyavahare gauri Ramesh

    Very nice

    1. Venkateswara Reddy Yeruva

      Thank you for your have made good job . Students can improve there knowledge and skills.

  4. Very nice informative Quiz

  5. Good question sir

  6. Shendage Bholenath Bharat

    Agriculture Exam

  7. Very informative…. ❤️

  8. Best quiz

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