Agriculture Exam MCQ For Competitive Exams (33)

Agriculture Exam MCQ For Competitive Exams

Agriculture Exam MCQ

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Agriculture Exam MCQ For Competitive Exams Online

Daily Agriculture Quiz 33

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Quiz Questions

Q.1: Non–edible plant suitable for biodiesel?

  1. Cartor
  2. Rapeseed
  3. Coconut
  4. Jatropa

Answer: 4

Q.2: Soil health card plays a vital role in integrated nutrient management, which of the following secondary nutrient does not analysis in soil health card?

  1. Potash
  2. Calcium
  3. Cu
  4. Sulphur

Answer: 2

Q.3: TPS technique is related to?

  1. Tomato
  2. Sugarcane
  3. Potato
  4. All of these

Answer: 3

Q.4: The solid part of the sugarcane juice is known as?

  1. Sucrose Index
  2. Bricks
  3. Fructose
  4. Sugar Index

Answer: 2

Q.5: Cropping intensity index proposed by?

  1. Dalrimpal (1971)
  2. Rao and Willey (1980)
  3. Monge and Associates (1978)
  4. Monge (1978)

Answer: 3

Q.6: Fumigation of rat burrows in the field is done by?

  1. Zinc Sulphate
  2. Zinc Phosphate
  3. Zinc Phosphide
  4. Aluminium Phosphide

Answer: 4

Q.7: One of the best dual purpose breed of cows is?

  1. Hissar
  2. Sahiwal
  3. Sindhi
  4. Haryana

Answer: 4

Q.8: Use of resistant varieties in the IPM is the an example of which type control?

  1. Cultural
  2. Biological
  3. Mechanical
  4. Chemical

Answer: 1

Q.9: Cauliflower belongs to the family?

  1. Cruciferae
  2. poacae
  3. Malvaceae
  4. Leguminaceae

Answer: 1

Q.10: The outer layer of a seed is called as?  

  1. Testa
  2. Ferns
  3. Altostratus
  4. Arona

Answer: 1

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