Agricultural IMP MCQ For Competitive Exams (64)

Agricultural IMP MCQ For Competitive Exams

Agricultural IMP MCQ

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Agricultural IMP MCQ For Competitive Exams Online

Daily Agriculture Quiz 64

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Quiz Questions

Q.1: Following fungus is effective on root grubs?

  1. Fusarium so.
  2. Beauveria
  3. Nomuraea rileyi
  4. Metarrhizium anisopliae

Answer: 4

Q.2: Which of the following light bring about dwarfing (बौनापन) effect in plant?

  1. Violet and Ultra violet light
  2. Blue light
  3. Green light
  4. Red light

Answer: 1

Q.3: Varalaxmi’ is a hybrid developed in?

  1. Rice
  2. Cotton
  3. Brinjal
  4. Brassica

Answer: 2

Q.4: Ability of seed to germinate knows as?

  1. Vitality
  2. Viability
  3. Scarifying
  4. none of them

Answer: 2

Q.5: Canning of fruits and vegetables is a process of?

  1. Heat
  2. Cold
  3. Irradiation
  4. Microwave

Answer: 3

Q.6: The Bordeaux mixture was discovered by Millardet at Bordeaux in France in year?

  1. 1807
  2. 1885
  3. 1890
  4. 1905

Answer: 2

Q.7: Stomata open because of?

  1. Oxygen in the air
  2. Increased turgidity of the guard cells brought about by exposure to light
  3. Vacuoles in guard cells
  4. All the above

Answer: 2

Q.8: Bronzing in Guava is caused due to deficiency of?

  1. Mo
  2. Zn
  3. P
  4. Mn

Answer: 2

Q.9: Heat flow in soil occurs mainly by?

  1. Radiation
  2. Convection
  3. Conduction
  4. Water movement

Answer: 3

Q.10: Dicot weed is?

  1. Echinoclova colonumo
  2. Trianthema portulacastrum
  3. Avena sativa
  4. Phalaris minori

Answer: 2

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