Agriculture Exam IMP MCQs For Competitive Exams (55)

Agriculture Exam IMP MCQs For Competitive Exams

Agriculture Exam IMP MCQs For Competitive Exams (55)

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Agriculture Exam IMP MCQs For Competitive Exams Online

Daily Agriculture Quiz 55

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Quiz Questions

Q.1: Accessory glands of mesodermal origin in the male reproductive system of cockroach?

  1. Milk gland
  2. Mesadenia
  3. Colleperial gland
  4. Vesicula seminalis
Answer: 2

Q.2: Shriniketan attempt was started by R.N.Tagore in collaboration with Elmhirst in?

  1. Uttar Pradesh
  2. ravancore
  3. Bengal
  4. Etawah
Answer: 2

Q.3: The coconut fat is a rich source of?

  1. Ricinoleic acid
  2. Stearic acid
  3. Lauric acid
  4. Palmitic acid
Answer: 3

Q.4: “Aril” is edible portion of one of the following fruit crops?

  1. Custard apple
  2. Fig
  3. Litchi
  4. Mulberry
Answer: 3

Q.5: Brix percentage of ketchup is?

  1. 15-16 
  2. 20-22 
  3. 25-26 
  4. 28-30
Answer: 4

Q.6: Which of the following is most serious disease of pomegranate that limit the expansion of its area?

  1. Bacterial blight
  2. Leaf spot
  3. Bacterial wilt
  4. None of these
Answer: 1

Q.7: Plant growth regulators are used for ?

  1. For rooting
  2. For flower thinning
  3. Seedlessness in fruit
  4. All options are correct
Answer: 4

Q.8: Available phosphorous of less than 10 kg/ha of soil is considered as?

  1. Low
  2. High
  3. Medium
  4. Trace
Answer: 1

Q.9: Fertilizer used to correct the acidity of soil is ?

  1. Sodium nitrate, Basic slag
  2. Sulphuric Acid
  3. Sodium Carbonate
  4. Cobalt chloride
Answer: 1


Q.10: Chenopodium album is a weed which mostly grows in the crop?

  1. Zaid
  2. Kharif
  3. Rabi
  4. None of these
Answer: 3

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