Agriculture Exams MCQs For Competitive Exams (35)

Agriculture Exams MCQ For Competitive Exams

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Agriculture Exams MCQ For Competitive Exams Online

Daily Agriculture Quiz 35

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Quiz Questions

Q.1: Papaya is a rich source of which Vitamin?

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin B
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Vitamin D

Answer: 1

Q.2: Which crop is recommended for Zaid season cultivation in Uttar Pradesh?

  1. Vegetable pea
  2. Groundnut
  3. Barley
  4. Lentil

Answer: 2

Q.3: Trench method of sugarcane planting is used in?

  1. Western India
  2. North India
  3. Coastal areas
  4. Waterlogged area

Answer: 3

Q.4: The starter dose of nitrogen for chickpea is recommended as?

  1. 20 kg/ha
  2. 10 kg/ha
  3. 30 kg/ha
  4. 40 kg/ha

Answer: 1

Q.5: Cultivated rice oryza sativa has the following number of chromosomes?

  1. 2n = 24
  2. 2n = 32
  3. 2n = 18
  4. 2n = 20

Answer: 1

Q.6: Groundnut is a?

  1. Fruit
  2. Modified stem
  3. Modified leaf
  4. Stroage root

Answer: 1

Q.7: Marek’s disease in poultry is caused by?

  1. Virus
  2. Bacteria
  3. Fungi
  4. Protozoa

Answer: 1

Q.8: Neem based pesticide is?

  1. Dipel
  2. Delfin
  3. Margocide
  4. Halt

Answer: 3

Q.9: Centre of origin for garlic is?

  1. Central Asia
  2. Africa
  3. North America
  4. South America

Answer: 1

Q.10: The Seeds Act permits the farmers to?

  1. Use and sell his/her produce but not under a brand name
  2. Use and sell his produce in his/her own packing
  3. Use certified seed and sell it with the same brand name only
  4. Use the produce or sell it only once

Answer: 1

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