Agricultural MCQs Tests For Exam Competitive Exams (106)

Agricultural MCQs Tests Tests For Exams

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Agricultural MCQs Tests For Exam Competitive Exams Online

Daily Agriculture Quiz 106

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Quiz Questions 

Q.1: The major part of nitrogen uptake by the maize is over by the?

  1. Knee high stage
  2. Tasselling stage
  3. Silking stage
  4. Grain filling stage

Answer: 2


Q.2: The following part of the chromosome isresponsible for the movement of chromosome/chromatid to different poles?

  1. Chromatino 
  2. Centromere
  3. Chromomere 
  4. Satellite

Answer: 2


Q.3: In a fish aquarium green aquatic plants are grown primarily for?

  1. Oxygen
  2. Decoration
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Fish feeding
  5. None of these

Answer: 1


Q.4: White backed plant hopper belongs to the family?

  1. Coccidae
  2. Delphacidae
  3. Coreidae
  4. Cicadellidae

Answer: 2


Q.5: The tap root system is normally meant to?

  1. Absorb water and mineral salts from the soil
  2. Conduct water and mineral salts to the stem
  3. Give proper ancharge to plant
  4. All above

Answer: 4


Q.6: A good producer of citric acid is?

  1. Pseudomonas
  2. Clostridium
  3. Aspergillus
  4. Saccharomyce

Answer: 3


Q.7: Flower fragrance is controlled by gene?

  1. Mono
  2. Oligo
  3. poly
  4. None of these

Answer: 3


Q.8: 1 gm of which of the following will produce maximum ATP’s?

  1. Fat
  2. Protein
  3. Cellulose
  4. Carbohydrate

Answer: 1


Q.9: Seed available for general distribution of farmers for commercial crop production is?

  1. Breeder seed 
  2. Foundation seed
  3. Registered seed 
  4. Certified seed

Answer: 4


Q.10: pF scale for Field capacity is _____?

  1. 4.5
  2. 2.5
  3. 2
  4. 3.5

Answer: 2

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