Agricultural Quiz Question For Exam Competitive Exams (122)

Agricultural Quiz Question For Exams

Agricultural Quiz Questions

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Agricultural Quiz Question For Exam Competitive Exams Online

Daily Agriculture Quiz 122

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Quiz Questions 

Question1: The term ‘Cropping scheme’ refers to?

  1. Allotment of crops to the pieces of land on a farm
  2. Allotment of crop rotations to the pieces of land in a farm
  3. Planning and budgeting of the crop production in a farm
  4. Planning of schedules for different farm operations

Answer: 2


Question2: The life-cycle of an angiosperm is consist of?

  1. Sporophytic stage
  2. Gametophytic stage
  3. Both stages
  4. None of above

Answer: 3


Question3: Marketable surplus is given by?

  1. MS =P+C/2
  2. MS =PIC
  3. MS =C-P
  4. MS =P-C

Answer: 4


Question4: head of Indian metrological department is?

  1. Director General of Metrology
  2. Director General of agriculture
  3. Deputy Director General of Metrology
  4. Dean
  5. None of these

Answer: 1


Question5: Optimum soil pH for gardening is?

  1. 4.5-5.5
  2. 5.5-6.5
  3. 6.5-7.5
  4. 7.5-8.5

Answer: 3


Question6: Dead heart and white ear disease is related to?

  1. Rice
  2. Wheat
  3. Jowar
  4. Bajra

Answer: 1


Question7: Mendel published the results of his experiments in?

  1. 1857
  2. 1900
  3. 1868
  4. 1866

Answer: 4


Question8: Organisms which fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil are found among?

  1. Mosses
  2. Green algael
  3. Soil fungi 
  4. Bacteria

Answer: 4


Question9: Bulk density is denoted by?

  1. Weight of the given soil sample/Volume of the same soil sample (g/c.c.)
  2. Volume of the soil sample/Weight of the soil sample (g/c.c.)
  3. Weight of the soil sample x 100/Volume of the soil sample (g/c.c.)
  4. None of these

Answer: 1


Question10: In 1945, the scientists who had developed the first herbicide 2,4-D in world are?

  1. Zimmerman and Hitchkock
  2. Watson and Crick
  3. Shull and John
  4. Arnold and Arnon

Answer: 1


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