Agriculture Exam Quiz For Competitive Exams (2)

Agriculture Exam Quiz For Competitive Exams

Agriculture Quiz For Competitive Exams

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Agriculture Exam Quiz For Competitive Exams Online

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 Q.1: Which is used to extract oil from oil seeds and Juice from sugarcane?

  1. Cutting
  2. Shearing
  3. Crushing
  4. Tearing
  5. None of these

Answer: 3

Q.2: By homogenization of milk the size of fat globule is reduced below?

  1. 4 micron
  2. 5 micron
  3. 2 micron
  4. 1 micron

Answer: 3

Q.3: Cohesive Force Theory of Ascent of Sap was proposed by?

  1. Bose
  2. Hill
  3. Goldeweski
  4. Dixon

Answer: 4

Q.4: What is length of Engineer’s chain?

  1. 33 m
  2. 100 ft.
  3. 70 ft.
  4. 20 m

Answer: 2

Q.5: Insects are thought to be so very successful because of ?

  1. Their small size
  2. Ecological diversity
  3. Ability to utilize many food sources
  4. Reproductive potential
  5. All of the above

Answer: 5

Q.6: A method of breeding most commonly used when the desired variation is required to be induced in a vegetatively propagated crop is?

  1. Polyploidy
  2. Pedigree method of breeding
  3. Mutation breeding
  4. Backcross method of breeding

Answer: 1

Q.7: Edible part of onion is called?

  1. Bulb
  2. Corm
  3. Tuber
  4. Rhizome

Answer: 1

Q.8: Paddy blast is introduced into India from?

  1. China 
  2. Bangaladesh
  3. Philippines
  4. Sri Lanka

Answer: 4

Q.9: Immobile element in plant is?

  1. Potash
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Calcium
  4. Sulfur

Answer: 3

Q.10: Which is the product of exhaustive hydrolysis and leaching?

  1. Vermiculite
  2. Montmorillonite
  3. illite
  4. Kaolinite

Answer: 4

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