Agriculture Exams Quiz For Competitive Exams (3)

Agriculture Exams Quiz For Competitive Exams

Agriculture Quiz For Competitive Exams

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Agriculture Exams Quiz For Competitive Exams Online

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Q.1: First Cultivated Plant apart from Wheat is?

  1. Cowpea
  2. Rice
  3. Barley
  4. Maize

Answer: 3

Q.2: Canine teeth are found in which of the following animals?

  1. Goat
  2. Pig
  3. Cow
  4. Bull

Answer: 2

Q.3: DPD is equal to?

  1. 0P x TP
  2. OP – TP
  3. 0P + TP
  4. TP-OP

Answer: 2

Q.4: Which of the following is an example of walking type tractor?

  1. Power Tiller
  2. Disc harrow
  3. Chain Tractor
  4. Crawlers

Answer: 1

Q.5: Insects belong to the phylum?

  1. Coelentrata
  2. Arthropoda
  3. Protozoa
  4. Annelida

Answer: 2

Q.6: A plant bearing both male and female flowers is said to be?

  1. Dioecious
  2. Monoecious
  3. Polygamous
  4. None of above

Answer: 2

Q.7: Edible part of potato is scientifically termed as?

  1. Rhizome
  2. Corm
  3. Tuber
  4. Bulb

Answer: 3

Q.8: Phyllody disease of til is?

  1. Viral disease
  2. Baeterial disease
  3. Nutrient deficiency
  4. Mycoplasmic disease

Answer: 4

Q.9: In no tillage systems, the soil layers have?

  1. Higher bulk density
  2. Lower bulk density
  3. Higher total pore space
  4. Lower water infiltration

Answer: 1

Q.10: Lichen is an association of?

  1. Algae and fungus
  2. Bacterium and fungus
  3. Fungus and virus
  4. Fungus and nematode

Answer: 1

Agriculture Quiz For All Agricultural Exams  Agriculture  Quiz, One Liner, Important Study table and More Important For Agricultural Exams. In Agriculture Exams Study MCQ Questions Online for Exams Like IBPS- AFO (Agriculture Field Officer) Iffco, Kribhco, NFL, NSC, ICAR-JRF/SRF/ ARS, IARI, TNAU, RAEO, RHEO, ADO, SADO, DDA,  ADA, MP Vyapam (PEB), FCI, ASRB, ARS, B.Sc. Agriculture Exam, Agriculture Exam, University Exam, KVK Agriculture Supervisor ,Assistant Agriculture Officer, Central Warehouse Corporation , Food Corporation of India, And Other Agricultural Exam. 

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  1. Useful

    1. Test very useful to our knowledge

      1. It’s very useful

    2. What for u preparing Anamika

  2. Sir is there an site for horticulture as well

  3. Cluster bean not a pulse crop?

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