Agriculture Test Quiz For Exam Competitive Exams (113)

Agriculture Test Quiz For Exams

Agriculture Test Quiz

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Agriculture Test Quiz For Exam Competitive Exams Online

Daily Agriculture Quiz 113

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Quiz Questions 

Question1: The recommended optimum sowing time of arhar (pigeonpe) is?

  1. Second fortnight of July
  2. First fortnight of July
  3. Second fortnight of July
  4. First fortnight of June

Answer: 4


Question2: The group of plants which bear flowers and seeds are known as?

  1. Cryptogams 
  2. Phanerogams
  3. Pteridophyta 
  4. None of the above

Answer: 2


Question3: In which five year plan, Integrated Pests Management Programme was initiated for plant protection?

  1. Fifth
  2. Nine
  3. Eight
  4. Seventh
  5. Sixe

Answer: 4


Question4: In rice hpper burn (yellowing and drying) caused by?

  1. Brown plan hopper
  2. White backed plant hopper
  3. Gandhi bug
  4. Brown plan hopper and White backed plant hopper

Answer: 4


Question5: The theory of catastrophism was introduced by?

  1. Christian chruch 
  2. Cuvier
  3. Lamark
  4. Darwin

Answer: 2


Question6: All floral parts are transformed into green leafy structures due to phyllody. It is one of the diseases of

  1. Sunflower
  2. Safflower
  3. Groundnut
  4. Sesamum

Answer: 4


Question7: Hybridiztion is common in crop ?

  1. Ginger
  2. Wheat
  3. Cotton
  4. Sorghum

Answer: 3


Question8: C4 Pathway for CO2 fixation was 1st reported by?

  1. Calvin
  2. Hill
  3. Hatch and Slack
  4. Arnon

Answer: 3


Question9: A’ value is given by?

  1. Marshall
  2. Stevenson
  3. Frid and Dean rt
  4. Larsen

Answer: 3


Question10: Flat Fan Nozzle is commonly used for spraying?

  1. Herbicides
  2. Insecticides
  3. Fungicides
  4. All of these

Answer: 1

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